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Family Medicine

Family Medicine services offered in Belle Glade, FL

If you have kids, it’s crucial to partner with a qualified family medicine specialist. At Excellent Ultimate Medical Center in Belle Glade, Florida, board-certified family medicine and women’s health nurse practitioner Tania Richie, NP, and the team, offer high-quality family medicine to people of all ages. Call the office to schedule a family medicine consultation, or request your appointment online today.

Family Medicine Q&A

What is family medicine?

Family medicine provides health care to every member of your family, from infants and children to adults in advanced age.

The family medicine specialists at Excellent Ultimate Medical Center diagnose and treat acute and chronic diseases, offer preventive health care, and provide referrals to medical specialists.

What services does family medicine provide?

The Excellent Ultimate Medical Center team offers various family medicine services, including:

Wellness visits

A wellness visit, or physical exam, assesses your physical and mental health. You should schedule a wellness visit annually, regardless of whether or not you have symptoms. Checkups can alert you to underlying health problems and help you age more gracefully.


Immunizations train your immune system to identify harmful invaders, like viruses and bacteria. After a review of your medical records and a physical exam, your provider can develop a personalized vaccine schedule. 

Screening tests

Screening tests, like blood work, urinalysis, and cultures, analyze your bodily fluids to gain insights into your health. The Excellent Ultimate Medical Center team offers screening tests to people of all ages, including thyroid panels and complete blood counts.

Healthy lifestyle counseling

Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce your and your family’s risk of potentially serious health problems. The team offers different types of lifestyle counseling, including vitamin nutrition and weight loss management.

Treatment of common chronic diseases

Millions of Americans (old and young) have chronic health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure. Your provider can make personalized treatment recommendations that prevent these and other issues from worsening.

Pain management

The Excellent Ultimate Medical Center team utilizes cold laser therapy for pain management. 


There’s also an affiliated practice next door offering aesthetic treatments, including facials, and cosmetic injectables, like Botox®.

What happens during a family medicine visit?

At Excellent Ultimate Medical Center, the team tailors family medicine visits to a patient’s needs. They may recommend:

  • Checking your vital signs
  • Ordering routine blood tests
  • Abdominal exam
  • Immunizations
  • Skin exam
  • Women’s health screenings, like a Pap smear or breast exam
  • Men’s health screenings, like a prostate exam or a testicular exam
  • Infant or child screenings to evaluate growth and development

If you have symptoms that require more niche expertise, the team can refer you to a medical specialist nearby.

Call Excellent Ultimate Medical Center to schedule a family medicine appointment or request your visit online today.